Leading Inspired Learning: A Strive Podcast
An inspiring space for cosy conversations about all things Early Childhood Education and Care.
Listen, learn, reflect, enjoy!
We know how impactful professional learning can be on the quality of care early childhood educators and early years professionals provide to children and families. At the same time, we recognize that committing to a professional learning session can feel like too much on top of your other responsibilities and obligations.
The intention of this podcast is to bring professional learning to you. Our hope is to share the thoughtful, pedgagogical conversations were are privileged to engage in within our Strive committees and communities in a way that is fun, engaging, and easily consumable.
You can listen at your own pace, when and where it is convenient for you. Tune in while you’re out for a walk or having a snack or on your commute!
Want to join us on the podcast?
Reach out to the Strive Team on social media (@striveswo on all platforms) or by email (podcast@striveswo.ca). We would love to hear from you!
Your favourite topics…all in one place!
Making tuning in even easier and more convenient.